Read Current Metadata Matters Blog Posts
New camera adds content authenticity metadata to photos, helping in the fight against disinformation. A content credential proves your picture is real. You probably want that. We look at how it works and what it means. Read more
Enter controlled vocabulary terms with just a few keystrokes in any Photo Mechanic field that has a flyout menu
In Photo Mechanic and Photo Mechanic Plus, you can use the Autocomplete type-ahead feature to enable a controlled vocabulary right in your Keywords field.
In my last post, I entered a keyword for the name of my cat Donut by typing just three characters – “Don[enter]”. Read more
A cat teaches us some stuff about metadata
Take a second glance at your caption and keywords to do a better job of anticipating search queries. The Keywords field is just waiting to serve you by – among other things – providing a place for potential search terms that didn’t make it into your caption.
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See posts by category
Some posts will appear in multiple categories. Often news posts, for example, contain good HOW-TO information. When that happens, I will add a post to all relevant categories.